Dear Annabelle,

I'm back in Reykjavik after a trip to the north. It actually feels good to be back, to work a bit again and to sleep in a room by myself.

I can sense how my impressions and experiences from the trip are now finding their places in my head. They are rearranging the space, arguing about who should take the comfortable sofa, who should have the place closest to the door (in case of an emergency) and who should better hide under the table. Some of them have already left the party, they wandered off to somewhere else and will soon be forgotten. The ones that are still here have started a transformation into something else than they once were. Each time I think about them, and each time I speak of them, they will take another form. They are not moving in to an empty space, it's already inhabited by others. It's actually quite cramped. It even means that each time someone new moves in, another one might have to move out. That's just how it is. But they can always come back for a visit. How this return is received depends on when they come, how they behaved when they occupied the space last time, and also how the situation was at the time they moved in/out. Some will be welcomed with a big party. Some will be greeted with a warm hug, or just a friendly nod. But for others the door will be closed and the curtains drawn. Most of the returners that get that kind of greeting understand the message, but there are some that will never understand...

There's a video being screened on the television in that space right now. The volume is rather high, spreading a rumble through the air. The video shows a waterfall in blue nuances. For eleven seconds and ten hundredths the water is falling down, throwing itself out over the cliff edge. Then, for exactly the same amount of time, the direction is reversed and the same mass of water is jumping back up again. This goes on, and on, and on. Down, up, down, up, down, up. Usually the same water never travels the same stream, but here the water is trapped in an ever ongoing ping pong match.

I have posted a set of that match for you on

I hope everything is good with you!


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