Dear Kristin,

"Procrastination" (of lat. procrastinare, the prefix pro-, and crastinus, belonging to tomorrow, by cras, tomorrow]) or "postponement behavior" involves, according to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT,) habitual and counterproductive postponement, delaying or avoidance of planned actions, decisions and tasks, despite knowing that it could lead to negative consequences. Substituting important activities with alternative activities that might also have to be made but have lower priority, or do not at all contribute to the achievement of one's goals, such as daydreaming or computer surfing at work or when studying. Procrastination often occurs when a choice must be made between a larger problem and a minor task. Common problem areas are to pay bills on time, to complete ones studies and to keep delivery times in one's work.

It's getting close to midnight...

Everything is neatly sorted on my desktop. All my clothes are hanged and folded. The third cup of tea is finished (which, of course, has led to a number of visits to the toilet). The e-mail is checked. Facebook is checked. Conversations made. Thoughts thought. Games played. Yes, you get the idea.

Okay, now the dishes are also made.

I've had a pretty unproductive day. Oh how nice it has been. We took a walk along the shore before lunch. Sometimes the wind was so strong that we could lean against it. The landscape shifted in nuances of gray, blue and yellow and mixes in between. My nose was dripping in the cold but if I leaned my head a bit backwards it was kept back by the wind's power. Strange feeling. The goal for our walk was an outdoor bath with a hot pool. I love the contrast between the hot and the cold water. Those minutes with tingling in my body when I returned from the ocean down into the shallow pool was a mixture of pleasure and wonder by how the body reacts. Do you often think about your body? I don't mean about how it looks, more about its presence, its function and its reaction.

Maybe I should answer the same question now, but I'm not sure how to formulate it. My first thought was that I only think about it when it doesn't function properly, when it hurts or is irritated in some way. At this moment I have a bloated stomach, the leggings' elastic is pushing too hard (I probably have red marks, my legs are tired and my right wrist is aching. But it's of course not this one sided, I think about it at other times as well. When I'm enjoying. And right now I'm also just warm enough, full and relaxed.

I'll end here.


P.S I posted a piece of Reykjavik for you on

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